Commercial outdoor planters often include tall garden troughs, and that is what we are focusing on in this post. People tend to go for large contemporary planters nowadays, so expect many ideas from us, since fiberglass outdoor planters to large rectangular pots of every kind we found.
We did stumble into large commercial planters, but there are more complex ideas among these tall garden troughs examples we found. You can find examples of many kinds of this post, but some seem to be more popular than others, we found. After researching tall garden troughs, we found out gray tall planters appear to be very popular nowadays so that you will find some examples of those, but not exclusively.
Do look for unique ideas you can adapt. There are different materials, colors and layouts you can use, not to mention the plants you choose, so do not think all tall garden troughs are alike.
Our team found some unique ones too! So do not believe that you need to follow everybody’s ideas of what tall garden troughs should look like, do use your imagination and match the planters to your garden’s theme and color pallet, along with the plants you choose.
Pay attention to the matches available on this post’s gallery and pick the ones you love the most to pin and look for when you are doing your garden the way you want. Do not forget to match the plant to the pot too! Color matching or, on the other hand, differentiation for them to pop out are great ideas, we found.
These tall garden troughs are a great décor resource for your yard when done correctly, and we are always to help you out in figuring what can be done and what would suit your garden best. Go ahead and browse the gallery!