How to Clean a Hot Tub Without Draining It (Expert Tips)

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SaveMan in a red shirt filling a hot tub with water. How to Clean a Hot Tub Without Draining It

Keeping your hot tub clean and well-maintained is essential for both the longevity of your equipment and the safety of its users. While draining and refilling your hot tub is a common method of cleaning, it can be time-consuming and wasteful. Fortunately, there are alternative ways to clean your hot tub without draining it.

One method is to hand-scrub the interior of the hot tub before treating the water. This involves using a non-abrasive cleaner and a soft-bristled brush to scrub away any dirt or grime that has built up on the surface of the tub. Once the interior is clean, you can move on to treating the water with chemicals and sanitizers.

Another way to clean your hot tub without draining it is to remove and soak the jets, clean the filter, and shock the water. This method is more comprehensive and may take more time, but it ensures that your hot tub is thoroughly cleaned and sanitized. By following these methods, you can keep your hot tub clean and safe for use without the hassle of draining and refilling.

Key takeaways:

  • Importance of Maintenance: Keeping your hot tub clean and well-maintained is crucial for the longevity of its equipment and the safety of its users.
  • Alternatives to Draining: Draining and refilling a hot tub for cleaning can be time-consuming and wasteful. There are alternative methods to clean your hot tub without the need for draining.
  • Hand-Scrubbing Method: One method involves hand-scrubbing the interior of the hot tub using a non-abrasive cleaner and a soft-bristled brush. Once the interior is clean, you can treat the water with chemicals and sanitizers.
  • Comprehensive Cleaning: Another method involves removing and soaking the jets, cleaning the filter, and shocking the water. This more comprehensive approach ensures thorough cleaning and sanitizing without draining the tub.
  • Downsides of Draining: Draining a hot tub can be time-consuming, wasteful of water, risky if not done properly, and inconvenient due to the time required for refilling and rebalancing chemicals.
  • Maintenance Tips: Regularly skimming debris, scrubbing the surface, cleaning the filters, shocking the water, and using enzymes are practical ways to maintain your hot tub’s cleanliness without draining.
  • Water Balancing and Sanitization: Balancing pH and alkalinity, regularly testing the water, using hot tub chemicals, shock treatments, and cleaning filters are key steps for maintaining water quality and sanitizing the hot tub.

Why Not Drain the Hot Tub

Draining a hot tub can be a time-consuming and labor-intensive process. It involves several steps, such as turning off the power supply, disconnecting the plumbing, and removing the water. Moreover, it can take a while to refill the hot tub, heat the water, and balance the chemicals. Therefore, you may wonder if there is a way to clean your hot tub without draining it. In this section, we will explore the reasons why you might want to avoid draining your hot tub and how to clean it without doing so.

The Downsides of Draining Your Hot Tub

Before we dive into the alternatives to draining your hot tub, let’s consider the drawbacks of this method. Here are some reasons why you might want to avoid draining your hot tub:

  • Time-consuming: As mentioned earlier, draining a hot tub can be a lengthy process that can take several hours or even days, depending on the size of your hot tub and the water source.
  • Wasteful: Draining a hot tub can waste a lot of water, which is not only bad for the environment but can also increase your water bill.
  • Risky: Draining a hot tub can be risky, especially if you don’t know what you’re doing. For example, if you don’t turn off the power supply or disconnect the plumbing correctly, you could damage your hot tub or even cause an electrical hazard.
  • Inconvenient: Draining a hot tub can be inconvenient, especially if you want to use it soon after cleaning it. You will need to wait for the hot tub to refill, heat up, and balance the chemicals, which can take several hours.

Alternatives to Draining Your Hot Tub

Fortunately, there are several alternatives to draining your hot tub that can save you time, water, and hassle. Here are some methods you can use to clean your hot tub without draining it:

  • Use a Skimmer: A skimmer is a tool that you can use to remove debris, such as leaves, bugs, and dirt, from the surface of your hot tub. You can use a skimmer to scoop up the debris and then dispose of it in a trash can or compost bin. Skimming your hot tub regularly can prevent the debris from sinking to the bottom and clogging the filters.
  • Scrub the Surface: You can use a soft brush and a non-abrasive cleaner to scrub the surface of your hot tub, including the walls, floor, and jets. This can remove any dirt, grime, or stains that have accumulated over time. Be sure to use a cleaner that is safe for hot tubs and follow the manufacturer’s instructions.
  • Clean the Filters: The filters are an essential part of your hot tub’s filtration system, as they trap debris, bacteria, and other contaminants. You can remove the filters, rinse them with a hose, and then soak them in a filter cleaner solution. Be sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions and replace the filters regularly.
  • Shock the Water: Shocking the water means adding a large dose of sanitizer, such as chlorine or bromine, to your hot tub. This can kill any bacteria or algae that may be present in the water and restore the chemical balance. Be sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions and test the water regularly to ensure that the chemical levels are safe.
  • Use Enzymes: Enzymes are natural compounds that can break down organic matter, such as oils, lotions, and sweat, in your hot tub. You can add an enzyme product to your hot tub regularly to prevent the buildup of organic matter and reduce the need for harsh chemicals. Be sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions and test the water regularly to ensure that the chemical levels are safe.

Understanding the Hot Tub Components

To properly clean a hot tub without draining it, it is essential to understand the different components that make up the hot tub. Here is a breakdown of the most important parts of a hot tub:

Hot Tub Cover

The hot tub cover is an essential component of the hot tub. It not only keeps the water clean by preventing debris from entering the tub, but it also helps to retain heat, which can save energy and reduce heating costs.

Filtration System

The filtration system is responsible for removing debris and contaminants from the water. It consists of a filter, which should be cleaned or replaced regularly, and a pump, which circulates the water through the filter.


The jets are the small openings in the hot tub that release water and air. They provide a relaxing massage and help to circulate the water, which is essential for proper filtration.


The interior of the hot tub can be made from a variety of materials, including acrylic, fiberglass, and vinyl. It is important to clean the interior regularly to prevent the buildup of bacteria and other contaminants.


The equipment of the hot tub includes the heater, control panels, and other electrical components. It is important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for maintaining and cleaning these components to ensure they function properly.

Control Panels

The control panels allow you to adjust the temperature, turn the jets on and off, and control other functions of the hot tub. It is important to keep the control panels clean and dry to prevent damage to the electrical components.

Pre-Cleaning Measures

Before starting to clean your hot tub, there are a few things you should do to prepare. These pre-cleaning measures will help ensure that your cleaning efforts are effective and efficient.

First, remove any loose dirt or debris from the hot tub. You can do this by using a vacuum or a net. This step is important because it will prevent the dirt and debris from getting in the way of your cleaning efforts.

Next, spray the hot tub surface with water to loosen any dirt or grime that may be stuck on it. You can also use a water squirter to help with this step. Once the surface is wet, you can use a hot tub surface cleaner to remove any remaining dirt or grime.

After you have sprayed the surface with water and applied the cleaner, use a brush or sponge to scrub the hot tub surface. Be sure to pay extra attention to any areas that may be particularly dirty or stained.

Finally, rinse the hot tub thoroughly with water to remove any remaining cleaner or debris. This step is important because it will prevent any residue from the cleaner from getting into the water and potentially causing irritation to your skin.

Pro Tip:

To make the cleaning process easier, consider investing in a hot tub cover. This will help keep debris out of the hot tub and reduce the amount of cleaning you need to do.

Cleaning the Filter

Cleaning the filter of your hot tub is an essential part of maintaining its cleanliness. The filter is responsible for trapping dirt, debris, and other contaminants that can make the water cloudy and uninviting. Over time, the filter can become clogged and less effective, which is why it’s important to clean it regularly.

To begin, remove the filter from the hot tub and rinse it with a hose to remove any loose debris. Next, fill a bucket with water and add a filter cleaning solution. Soak the filter in the solution for a few hours to allow it to dissolve any built-up grime and dirt. Be sure to follow the instructions on the cleaning solution carefully to avoid damaging the filter.

After soaking, remove the filter from the solution and rinse it thoroughly with a hose. Use a soft-bristled brush or a filter cleaner to remove any remaining dirt or debris. Be sure to pay special attention to the folds and crevices of the filter, as these areas can be particularly prone to clogging.

Once the filter is clean, rinse it thoroughly with water to remove any remaining cleaning solution. Allow the filter to air dry completely before replacing it in the hot tub. It’s important to clean the filter regularly to ensure that it remains effective at trapping contaminants and keeping your hot tub clean and inviting.

In addition to using a filter cleaning solution, you can also use dish soap to clean your hot tub filter. Simply mix a small amount of dish soap with water in a bucket and soak the filter for a few hours. Rinse the filter thoroughly with water and allow it to air dry before replacing it in the hot tub.

Remember, a clean filter is essential for maintaining the cleanliness of your hot tub. By cleaning it regularly, you can ensure that your hot tub remains inviting and enjoyable for all.

Cleaning the Interior and Exterior

Cleaning the interior and exterior of your hot tub is essential to keep the water clean and free from grime and stains. You can clean your hot tub without draining it by following a few simple steps.

First, use a non-abrasive sponge and mild soap or hot tub cleaner to scrub the interior walls and floor of the hot tub. Make sure to clean the waterline as well, where dirt and grime tend to accumulate.

Next, remove and soak the hot tub’s jets in a cleaning solution designed specifically for hot tubs. This will help remove any buildup and ensure that the jets are working properly.

After cleaning the jets, remove and clean the hot tub filter. A dirty filter can cause the water to become cloudy and reduce the effectiveness of the hot tub’s sanitizing system.

Finally, treat the hot tub’s water with the appropriate chemicals to maintain a proper balance of pH and alkalinity. Shocking the water can also help eliminate any bacteria or contaminants.

To keep your hot tub clean and well-maintained, it is recommended to clean the interior and exterior at least once a month. Regular cleaning will help prevent buildup and prolong the life of your hot tub.

Cleaning the Jets

Cleaning the jets in your hot tub is an essential part of maintaining its cleanliness. Over time, jets can become clogged with debris, which can lead to reduced water flow and even damage to the plumbing system. Here’s how to clean your hot tub jets without draining the water.

  1. Turn off the hot tub and the jets. This will prevent any water from flowing through the jets while you’re cleaning them.
  2. Remove the jet covers. Depending on the type of hot tub you have, the jet covers may be screwed on or simply snap in place. Once you’ve removed the covers, you can access the jets themselves.
  3. Mix water and vinegar. Vinegar is an excellent natural cleaner that can dissolve mineral buildup and other debris in the jets. Mix one part white vinegar with three parts water in a bucket or spray bottle.
  4. Soak the jets in the solution. Place the jet covers and the jets themselves in the bucket or spray them with the vinegar solution. Let them soak for at least 15 minutes to allow the solution to dissolve any buildup.
  5. Use a brush to scrub the jets. After the jets have soaked, use a soft-bristle brush to scrub off any remaining debris. Be gentle to avoid damaging the jets.
  6. Rinse the jets. Once you’ve scrubbed the jets, rinse them thoroughly with clean water to remove any remaining vinegar solution.
  7. Return the jets. After the jets have been cleaned and rinsed, replace the jet covers and turn the jets back on.

It’s important to clean your hot tub jets regularly to prevent mineral buildup and other debris from clogging them. If you notice reduced water flow or other issues with your jets, it may be time to clean them. Additionally, if you live in an area with hard water, you may need to clean your jets more frequently to prevent calcium buildup.

Balancing the Water

Balancing the water in your hot tub is essential to maintain a clean and safe environment for you and your guests. Unbalanced water can lead to skin irritation, cloudy water, and even damage to your hot tub. In this section, we will go over the different aspects of balancing the water, including pH, alkalinity, and testing strips.

pH Levels

The pH level of your hot tub water should be between 7.2 and 7.8. If the pH level is too low, the water is acidic, which can cause skin irritation and damage to your hot tub. If the pH level is too high, the water is alkaline, which can cause cloudy water and scaling. You can use testing strips to check the pH level of your water.


Alkalinity refers to the ability of the water to resist changes in pH. The ideal alkalinity level for your hot tub water is between 80 and 120 ppm (parts per million). If the alkalinity level is too low, the pH level can fluctuate easily, leading to damage to your hot tub and skin irritation. If the alkalinity level is too high, the water can become cloudy, and scaling can occur.

Balancing the Water

To balance the water in your hot tub, you can use chemicals such as sodium bisulfate, muriatic acid, and sodium carbonate. Be sure to follow the instructions on the chemical packaging carefully, as using too much or too little can lead to unbalanced water. It is also important to test the water regularly with testing strips to ensure that the pH and alkalinity levels are within the recommended range.

In addition to using chemicals, you can also take preventive measures to keep your hot tub water balanced. For example, you can cover your hot tub when it is not in use to prevent debris from entering the water. You can also shower before entering the hot tub to remove any oils or lotions on your skin that can affect the water balance.

Sanitizing the Hot Tub

Keeping your hot tub clean and sanitized is crucial for your health and enjoyment. Bacteria and germs can quickly build up in the warm water, making it important to sanitize your hot tub regularly. Here are some tips for sanitizing your hot tub without draining it:

Use Hot Tub Chemicals Regularly

Using hot tub chemicals is one of the most effective ways to sanitize your hot tub. Chlorine and bromine are commonly used chemicals that kill bacteria and germs in the water. You can add them to your hot tub using a floater or dispenser. Be sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions and test the chemical levels regularly to ensure they are at the right levels.

Shock the Hot Tub

Another way to sanitize your hot tub is by using a shock treatment. This involves adding a large amount of chlorine or non-chlorine shock to the water to kill off any bacteria or germs. Shocking your hot tub should be done every few weeks or after heavy use. Be sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions and test the chemical levels regularly to ensure they are at the right levels.

Clean the Filters

Cleaning your hot tub filters is important for maintaining a healthy and clean hot tub. Filters can become clogged with dirt and debris, making it harder for the water to circulate and be sanitized. Be sure to clean your filters regularly by removing them and rinsing them with a hose. You can also use a filter cleaning solution to deep clean the filters.

Other Tips

Here are some additional tips for keeping your hot tub clean and sanitized:

  • Shower before getting into the hot tub to remove any oils or dirt from your skin.
  • Don’t eat or drink in the hot tub to prevent food and drinks from contaminating the water.
  • Keep the hot tub covered when not in use to prevent debris from entering the water.
  • Run the hot tub for at least 30 minutes after adding chemicals or shock treatment to ensure they are distributed evenly.
  • Test the water regularly using a test strip to ensure the chemical levels are at the right levels.

Maintaining the Hot Tub

Maintaining your hot tub is crucial to keeping it clean and functional for years to come. Here are some tips to help you maintain your hot tub without draining it:

Regularly Test the Water

Testing the water in your hot tub is essential to maintaining a clean and healthy environment. You should test the water at least once a week or more frequently if you use the hot tub frequently. Use a test strip to check the pH and chlorine levels in the water. The ideal pH level is between 7.2 and 7.8, and the chlorine level should be between 1 and 3 parts per million (ppm).

Shock the Water

Shocking the water in your hot tub helps to kill bacteria and other contaminants that may be present. You should shock the water once a week or more frequently if the water appears cloudy or smells bad. Use a non-chlorine shock treatment to avoid damaging the hot tub’s equipment.

Clean the Filters

The filters in your hot tub are responsible for removing debris and contaminants from the water. You should clean the filters at least once a month or more frequently if you use the hot tub frequently. Remove the filters and rinse them with a hose, then soak them in a filter-cleaning solution for a few hours.

Clean the Waterline

The waterline in your hot tub can become dirty and stained over time. Use a non-abrasive sponge and a hot tub cleaner to scrub the waterline. You can also use a specialized waterline cleaner to remove stubborn stains.

Use a Cover

Using a cover on your hot tub when it is not in use can help to keep the water clean and reduce the amount of maintenance required. Make sure the cover fits properly and is in good condition.

FAQ: How to Clean a Hot Tub Without Draining It

What are some effective methods for cleaning a hot tub without draining the water?

There are several effective methods for cleaning a hot tub without draining the water. One method is to clean the filter regularly to prevent buildup. You can also use hot tub chemicals and sanitizers to keep the water clean. Additionally, you can scrub the surface of the hot tub with a brush to remove any dirt or debris.

How often should I clean my hot tub to prevent buildup?

To prevent buildup, it is recommended to clean your hot tub every 3-4 months. However, if you use your hot tub frequently or notice any buildup, you may need to clean it more often.

What are some recommended hot tub chemicals for cleaning?

Some recommended hot tub chemicals for cleaning include chlorine or bromine shock, which can help kill bacteria and remove buildup. You can also use enzymes or clarifiers to break down organic matter and improve water clarity.

Can I use Leslie’s Spa Shock to clean my hot tub?

Yes, Leslie’s Spa Shock is a common hot tub chemical used for cleaning. However, it is important to follow the instructions carefully and use the appropriate amount for your hot tub size.

Is it safe to clean a hot tub with water still in it?

Yes, it is safe to clean a hot tub with water still in it. However, you should turn off the power and use caution when cleaning to avoid any electrical hazards.

What is the fastest way to clean the hot tub shell?

The fastest way to clean the hot tub shell is to use a hot tub cleaner specifically designed for the shell. You can spray the cleaner onto the surface and wipe it away with a soft cloth or sponge.