7 John Deere 2025R problems and solutions

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The John Deere 2025R is a 2-series compact tractor with a hydraulic 3-point linkage capable of lifting 415 kg. It has a 23.9HP Yanmar engine and a 2-range hydrostatic transmission.

Many owners of 2 series John Deere tractors opt for the hydraulic front loader, which is powerful and robustly made. The 2025R is a very popular model among owners of large yards and gardens as well as landscape contractors.

As with any mechanical machine, they can experience issues – let’s find out the 7 most common John Deere 2025R problems and solutions.

Common John Deere 1025r problems

The seven most common problems associated with the John Deere 2025R are as follows:

  1. Electrical problems
  2. Engine problems
  3. PTO problems
  4. Hydraulic problems
  5. Transmission problems
  6. Braking problems
  7. 4WD lever problems

1. John Deere 2025R electrical problems

Any modern tractor that uses electrical switches instead of levers for operator comfort will have problems at some stage. The John Deere 2025R is no exception. Among the list of electrical issues are:

The ignition key unit is faulty: The ignition unit that accepts the key becomes faulty on some models. This means that when you turn on the ignition, it brings up the lights on the dashboard, but when you turn the key to start the engine, nothing happens.

To fix this fault, a new ignition switch needs to be fitted to the tractor. If the tractor is still under warranty, it should be taken to the dealer. If not -this job can be done by yourself if you are mechanically minded.

The battery doesn’t hold a charge: If you have found that the battery won’t hold a charge, you should follow all the leads to and from the battery to the alternator. It seems there have been many occasions when terminals have worked their way loose on the charging system of the 2025R.

2. John Deere 2025R engine problems

Besides the engine not starting due to the ignition switch mentioned above, there are a few other points you should be aware of.

The in-line fuel filter collapses: This issue makes itself known to you when you are trying to start the engine, but it won’t start. It can also mean that the engine won’t rev up because the collapsed fuel filter restricts fuel flow to the fuel pump and engine.

If you find the engine is slow to start/turn over, you should check your battery is fully charged. If the battery is good, perhaps your starter motor is on its way out and may need to be replaced.

The engine overheats: It is important to check the radiator of the 2025R is not clogged up with dust and dirt, as it has a habit of overheating quite quickly. The radiator cap is prone to leak, so check your coolant levels before you set off to do a hard day’s work.

3. John Deere 2025R PTO problems

The main problem with the PTO on the 2025R is that it has difficulty engaging. This is usually because the switch which sends the signal to the electric PTO-engaging solenoid becomes faulty, and the signal never sends.

To fix this, you’ll need to replace the electric microswitch, which is activated by the selector.

Another reason for the PTO not engaging could be a blown fuse. Check the fuses for any that have blown and replace them. Your operator’s manual will indicate which fuse number operates the PTO selector.

If you find that the PTO grinds when you try to engage it. This is because the PTO clutch is not working. The PTO clutch disengages the engine flywheel so the PTO can be engaged. This usually means a trip to the dealer for a new PTO clutch.

4. John Deere 2025R hydraulic problems

One of the main problems with the hydraulic system is oil leaking. This can happen at many places on the tractor, but it seems the backhoe attachment is a key area for concern and should be periodically checked over to ensure there are no massive oil leaks.

5. John Deere 2025R transmission problems

Just like the hydraulic system above, the transmission can have its fair share of troubles. The main problem is the lack of synchronizing when changing ranges. This means the gears inside the transmission don’t slow down or stop soon enough when you change the gear range.

Because the gears are still turning, it makes a grinding noise. You should always make sure the tractor has stopped before trying to change ranges. Otherwise, you can damage the transmission.

The solution to this problem is to ensure the transmission is fully topped up with oil. The gear grinding noises have nearly always come from transmissions that have had low oil levels in them.

6. John Deere 2025R braking problems

The main problem with the 2025R brakes is that there is no parking brake. This is a major problem if you work on sloping ground, as it means the tractor needs to be turned off and left in gear to keep it in place.

The entire brake system is controlled by one flat brake pedal, so it is very important to maintain good brakes on this tractor. In 2018 there was a recall of the John Deere 2025R model due to unexpected brake failure with the potential to cause crash and injury hazards.

7. John Deere 2025R 4WD lever problems

Instead of having a problem with the mechanics of the John Deere 2025R 4WD system, it is in fact, the location of the 4WD engaging lever that is the problem.

For some reason, John Deere has placed the 4WD lever right next to the floor, which is inconvenient to reach, especially when driving. 

The operator needs to stop the tractor to reach down and engage the 4WD lever – not very practical at all.

Common causes of John Deere 2025R problems

The common causes of the above issues arise from either poor manufacturers’ design or a lack of proper maintenance.

While there is little we can do to correct mistakes John Deere made when designing the tractor, there is a lot we can do about servicing and maintaining our tractors.

I would encourage everyone who owns a tractor to keep a serving and parts book – something that you can keep a track of what servicing and parts you have fitted to your tractor and the date that the servicing took place.

This will be invaluable when keeping your tractor long term as you can project when the next item is due for replacement before it breaks or wears out.

How to troubleshoot John Deere 2025R problems

Troubleshooting any piece of machinery should follow a plan. To troubleshoot the list of problems on the John Deere 2025R, I would follow this list:

Electrical problems: Check the battery’s voltage and follow all leads to ensure they have a good connection. Finally, check the ignition key unit is sending 12V to the starter.

Engine problems: Check the battery is charged, the wiring is tight, the fuel filter is not blocked, and the radiator is not blocked or low in coolant, causing the engine to overheat and shut down.

PTO problems: Check the microswitch which engages the PTO solenoid is not faulty. Check the PTO oil reservoir is full of oil.

Hydraulic problems: Check all pipes and hoses for signs of oil leaks. Fit new seals if the old ones are leaking.

Transmission problems: Ensure the transmission is fully topped up with oil if you notice gear grinding changing ranges. Also, ensure the tractor is fully stopped before changing range.

Braking problems: Keep the brakes fully maintained, and never leave the tractor on a slope unattended.

4WD lever problems: Remember the 4WD lever is in a difficult place. Be prepared to stop and engage the lever before you enter a muddy location.

John Deere R2025R life expectancy

As with all John Deere tractors, they will last a lifetime or more if they are well looked after. There is no reason why the 2025R won’t still be in action 30 years from now.

Although this article has been highlighting the problems with the John Deere 2025R, it is a popular tractor, and most owners enjoy using them and would never be without them.

If you remember to check these 7 main issues – electrical, engine, PTO, hydraulic, transmission, braking, and 4WD lever, you will be well prepared.