The number of birds that are currently nesting on your porch has probably increased over the years. The most common area that birds like to reside at is porches.
First, you need to understand why they like to build nests where they do.
Birds want a safe place with little or no wind and lots of sun or shade; this is what makes them feel at home. This means that if there’s an open spot on your property that fits these criteria, it’ll be likely for some birds to take notice and start building their nest there.
So, the first thing you should do is make sure that all possible areas fit these criteria; then, install any deterrents, in order to get rid of the problem altogether.
It doesn’t matter how big or small your yard is; there’s always a way to keep birds from nesting on your porch.
Why do birds keep building nests on my porch?
There are many reasons that the birds might be attracted to your porch, such as:
- Food;
- Shelter;
- Water;
- Or they could just be confused.
If your porch is near a large body of water, the birds might mistake it for a lake because of similar reflective qualities. There could also be a nest already set up on your porch from last year that the bird returns to each spring without knowing it has been taken down or moved.
However, there are also several methods you can use in order to deter them from nesting on your porch.
How do I keep birds from nesting on my porch?
In order to prevent birds from nesting on your porch, there are a few things you can do. These methods will prove to be the most effective ways of preventing them from building nests on your porch. The best bird deterrents are:
Placing a plastic owl
The number one thing that people can do to deter birds from building nests on their property is to invest in a plastic owl.
Placing a plastic owl near your porch or other nesting areas will often discourage birds because they don’t like the look of owls and think they’re predators.
So if you want something simple and inexpensive this is one of the best options out there!
Hang shiny objects
The second option would be hanging shiny objects around your porch such as Christmas ornaments or pie tins all around the area they like to nest at, so that when the sun shines off them it scares away any
Spray water and dish soap
Using a spray bottle filled with water and dish soap in order to deter them from landing on your porch is another good option. All you have to do is spray them as they try to land and it scares them away.
These are some simple and inexpensive easy to set up home remedies that you can use to get rid of any birds that are building nests on your porch, and they’re also some of the most effective ways for doing so.
What smell do birds hate?
There are many smells that birds don’t like, but there is one in particular that they hate the worst:
- Citrus;
Citrus has sharp and bitter smells and tastes that birds won’t touch or nest near.
If you want to keep the birds from building nests on your porch, then one of the best things you can do is make sure you use a lot of citrus scents around your porch.
This means if you’re using any soaps or detergents, make sure they have a citrus fragrance. Use orange oil cleaners on the floor and furniture of your porch. And don’t forget to use lemon juice all over the area where you want to keep them out!
There are other smells birds don’t like such as:
- Garlic;
- Essential oils;
- Pepper.
Lastly, it’s also important to remember to always keep your porch clean and free of any food sources, such as:
- Crumbs;
- Garbage;
- And bird feeders.
If there’s no reason for them to come back after you’ve taken care of the problem, they won’t bother coming back in the first place! So it’s important to follow these steps to deter them from nesting on your porch, so you can finally enjoy your outdoor space again.
In conclusion
There are many ways to keep birds from building nests on your porch. If you want something simple and inexpensive these are the best options out there!
Invest in a plastic owl, hang shiny objects like Christmas ornaments and pie tins, and use a spray bottle filled with water and dish soap in order to deter them.
You can also use lots of citrus scents around your porch which will keep them away. Make sure to always keep your porch clean and free of any food sources, such as crumbs or bird feeders, so there’s nothing for them to come back to.
Follow these steps to deter birds from nesting on your porch so you can finally enjoy the outdoor space again!